- Thyroid & Adrenal Health
- Female Hormone Disorders
- Autoimmune Conditions
- Gut health
- Nutritional Medicine
- Digestive Disorders
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Pyrrole Disorder
- MTHFR & Genetic studies
- Methylation issues
- Vector borne disease including Lyme Disease and Co-infections
- Autism, ADHD and learning difficulties
Testing includes
- Blood
- Saliva
- Stool
- Hair mineral analysis
- Urine analysis
- Iridology
- Hair, skin, nail and tongue analysis
Primary Goals
- To find the root cause of the problem
- To assist in the restoration of health naturally
- To educate patients to self-help
Alison is a member of the Complementary Medicine Association.